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Oceans of Hope

Oceans of Hope is an initiative by The Whale that provides children and young people with a platform to share their hopes and visions for the ocean and the future. Through this project, youth have the opportunity to explore and discuss important topics such as the ocean, climate, and biodiversity. The goal is to engage the upcoming generation, highlight sustainability, and inspire actions that can protect the ocean and its ecosystems for the future.

The first conference

Oceans of Hope was launched in February 2023 with a hybrid conference that brought together several hundred participants from Andøy and Mo i Rana. This first conference was a collaboration with Andøy High School, Polarsirkelen High School, the Youth Council of Andøy, and the Youth Council of Nordland. Throughout the day, youth had the opportunity to meet experts from various fields who shared their perspectives on the ocean's significance for climate and biodiversity.

Among the contributors were Julie Packard from Monterey Bay Aquarium, Heidi Pearson from the University of Alaska, Peter M. Haugan from the Institute of Marine Research, and Audun Rikardsen from UiT. The conference also included inspiring stories from local voices, such as fisherman Monica Amsen and photographer Audun Rikardsen. The youth participated in discussions, watched video postcards from researchers and adventurers, and listened to presentations from international experts.

oceans of Hope Youth Conference. Photo: Svein Spjelkavik

Children's hopes for the ocean and the future

In the fall of 2023, Oceans of Hope expanded its work to include younger children, with workshops held both in the Azores and Andøy. Through the project "From Fenais to Fenais," The Whale collaborated with the Carlos Machado Museum in the Azores to organize a workshop in Fenais da Luz on São Miguel, in partnership with a local school class.

The children had the opportunity to meet João Luís Mariano, a former whaler from the Azores, who shared stories about life during the whaling era. After the discussion, the children were encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings through drawings and writings.

Read more about the "From Fenais to Fenais" project.

Through these activities, the children in Andøy and the Azores learned about the significance of whales and the ocean, both historically and today. The results of the workshops have been presented through exhibitions and videos that reflect the children's visions.

The first launch of the children's thoughts took place in Andøy in January 2024, in connection with the opening of Bodø as the European Capital of Culture 2024. The exhibition also became a summer attraction in the center of Andenes and was displayed in Bodø during the conclusion of the Capital of Culture year in November 2024.

«Nordland needs new attractions to make the county a great place for tourists.»
Markus Gabor
Member of the Youth Council of Nordland


Oceans of Hope Conference 2024:

The Whale AS, Andøy Municipality, Andenes High School, Polarsirkelen High School, Mo i Rana, Andenes School, Student Council at Andenes High School, and the Youth Council of Nordland.

Children’s Hopes for the Ocean – Exhibition 2024:

The Whale AS, Andøy Municipality, Bodø 2024, Teaterklubb 81 (Andøy), Fenais-a-Fenais Project (EEA/EØS), and the Youth Council of Nordland.

The project is supported by